Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up
This funding stopped in 2020. The information on this page details the provision that was in place for the year 2019/20.
Cottenham Village College is committed to ensuring that every pupil is given the opportunity to reach their full potential. The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium initiative gave schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2, until 2020.
In 2019/20 Cottenham Village College received £14,279 Year 7 Catch Up Premium funding.
A range of different programmes and interventions took place with Year 7 pupils who had not reached the expected standard in either literacy and/or mathematics by the end of Key Stage 2. These programmes were:
- Reading catch-up programmes (e.g. Toe to Toe/Lexia);
- Literacy intervention sessions (e.g. 1:1 support for English);
- Numeracy intervention programmes: pre-teaching key concepts and key numeracy practice (small group work in KS3 maths lessons);
- Maths TA used for withdrawal sessions during form time;
- Numeracy Intervention: two 20 minute registration support sessions per week;
- Two 1 hour support sessions during curriculum time for maths for targeted pupils;
- Homework club held 5 sessions per week after school;
- Touch Type Read Spell (2 x 20mins Typing programme held during registration).
In addition to the targeted interventions listed above, there were some reading programmes used across Key Stage Three with all pupils which also supported Year 7 catch-up. Reading age tests (NGRT) were run with all Year 7 pupils in their first half term at CVC. The reading ages were then used to group pupils into reading age groups for one form time per week. High-quality texts were chosen that reflected the age of the pupils but also the reading ability of each group. The groups read with a form tutor once a week over the academic year, meaning that all children at Key Stage Three read at least one complete book outside of their timetabled lessons.
Year 7 pupils who received targeted literacy support (e.g. through Toe to Toe/Lexia) made progress and achieved improved reading ages by their next test (October 2020 – delayed due to Covid lockdown), closing the gap between their reading and chronological age. By October 2020, of the 48 pupils identified for catch-up provision in 2019/20:
- 79% made reading age progress of at least 1 year: 15% of these pupils made at least 1 year of progress; 64% of pupils made 2 or more years of progress
- 58% made reading age progress that meant they were reading at or above their chronological age
- 17% made reading age progress to a reading age of 17+ years
- 23% still have a reading age below secondary age (although 13% of these pupils made reading progress over the academic year, starting from a very low reading age).
Coronavirus Catch-Up Premium 2021-22
The Government allocated catch-up premium funding for each school to support a range of interventions aimed at bridging any gap in attainment that may have resulted from the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns. The funding is based on £80 per pupil for all pupils in years from reception through to Year 11. ‘Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances’.
To see how Cottenham Village College used this funding in 2021-22 please follow this link: Covid catch-up funding statement