School Alerts

KS4 Careers Provision

Here at CVC we want you, our students, to have a successful future! You will take part in a wide range of activities (which are listed below) during your time with us.

In year 10 we are pleased to be able to offer students the chance to complete a 1-week work experience placement.

Students are encouraged to source their own placements while we have a small database of direct offers for those students who need help with this.

Please view the work experience page for more information.

We plan to run a morning of mock interviews for Y10 students in the Spring term; each student will have an opportunity for a 1 – 1 mock interview with a volunteer from the world of work. Students will be prepared for this activity and will be given feedback after the interview.

We introduce students to the digital platform Mychoice@16 so that they can familiarise themselves with it as the platform for Post 16 applications.

Students are encouraged to attend summer open evenings at Post 16 centers and taster days at the colleges who offer them. Information about these events is widely distributed via email to students and parents, and also through form tutors.

1 to 1 Careers Guidance is offered to our Year 10 students throughout the Spring term.

In year 11 students are prepared for making their applications to Post 16 education through a programme of events and support. Careers Guidance continues for those who have not had an appointment in Year 10 and there is ongoing support throughout the process.

In the Autumn term, representatives from the Post 16 centers attend our Post 16 Information evening to meet students and parents, following a presentation which sets out the Post 16 process.



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