School Alerts

KS3 Careers Provision

Here at CVC we want you, our students, to have a successful future! You will take part in a wide range of activities (which are listed below) during your time with us.

In Key Stage 3 students follow a programme of careers related lessons as part of the PSHE curriculum.

In Year 7, student cover topics such as:

  • Developing skills and aspirations: Teamwork, and enterprise skills, and raising aspirations.
  • Community and Careers: Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices, and different types and patterns of work.
  • Setting goals:  Learning strengths, career options and goal setting as part of the GCSE options process.

Students will take part in an Enterprise Day which will give them a practical opportunity to develop key skills, such as teamwork, creativity, problem solving and communication.  They will be supported by volunteers from the world of work.

In Year 8, students focus on Community and careers. Topics include:

Equality of opportunity in careers and life.

  • What is the difference between wants, needs and rights?
  • What are my rights to opportunities in learning and work?
  • What different types of work are there, including employment, self-employment and voluntary work?

There is an opportunity for all students to take part in a ‘What’s my Line’ activity where they will meet a variety of different employees and employers and discover what their job role is and what it entails.

In year 9, students further develop their understanding of what a career is and consider the choices they need to make and the opportunities available to them as they approach the options process. Topics include:

  • What is a career?
  • What local and national employment opportunities are there for me now and in the future?
  • What are the choices available to me at the end of KS3?
  • What are my aspirations and career ideas?
  • How can I manage the decision-making process and how can I access information and guidance?

Students will have the opportunity to visit a university to gain an understanding of what higher education involves and to raise aspirations.

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