Our website links provide our parents/carers with useful information about the school. If you cannot find what you need, please do not hesitate to contact our reception team on 01954 288944.
Mychildatschool (MCAS)
Parents can access live information about their child’s attendance, achievement, and behaviour using the website or app.
Student Portal for Homework
Students can access their homework record on Student Portal. They can access this from the school website. There is a short video below that is useful if you need to support your child to access their homework record.
The link to the short video is available here.
If you need any further support about accessing your child’s homework record please do contact Mrs Goudie at the College.
MS Teams and Resources to use at home
Cottenham Village College uses Microsoft Teams to support learning. All students have an individual login which allows access to online tools including microsoft word, excel and powerpoint. Some teaching staff may use this tool to set up information about class work or home learning. A helpful video below shows students who are new to teams how to access the different areas.
TEAMS – using Teams as a student.mp4
TEAMS – How students check their feedback.mp4
Childline, CEOP and Wellbeing Support Directory
To access Childline, please follow this link
To access CEOP (Child Explotation and Online Protection), please follow this link
We aim to keep parents fully informed through our weekly newsletter. This is shared every Friday but is also available directly from this website.