School Alerts

New reading group in the library starting after half-term on Wednesday

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to let you know about an exciting new extra curricular opportunity being offered to students from next half term. From Wednesday 22nd February there will be a new reading group taking place after school every week in the Library from 3.15pm to 4.15pm.

The group will be a ‘Read & Recommend’ reading group, where students will have a chance to share their current reading and recommend books to other students. There will also be other reading related activities including a Great British Book Off. As in the ‘Great British Bake Off’ there will be different challenges and the chance to be declared ‘Star Reader’.

If you or your son or daughter have any questions about the group please do get in touch with me via email ( or students are most welcome to come and find me in the Library. I am available every break and lunchtime and after school every day, except Thursdays.

Yours sincerely,

Sophie Fisher


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