School Alerts

Letters from the Chair of the Local Governing Body and Headteacher

Letter from the Chair:

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find attached a letter from Stuart Lock. As you will read, Stuart is moving on to a new post this summer. We are sorry to lose him; however, we are extremely pleased for Stuart. It speaks volumes about our school that Stuart has identified that the experience he has gained here at CVC has given him the opportunity to take the next step in his career. We wish him every success.

We are delighted that our Deputy Headteacher, Joy Hadley, will step up to be Acting Headteacher. Geraint Brown will be supporting Joy as Acting Deputy Headteacher. They are exceptional members of our senior leadership team and we have absolute confidence in them to lead the school next term. They will be supported by Steve Ellison, formerly Executive Headteacher of CVC, in his role as Regional Director of Education for Astrea Academy Trust.

We have already started the recruitment process to ensure that we have a new headteacher in post for January. We will keep you informed about the process at key points.

Best wishes,

Sara Noel

Chair of the Local Governing Body of Cottenham Village College


Letter from the Headteacher:

Dear Parents/ Carers and Pupils,

I hope you had a great half term break. It was fantastic to welcome the pupils back on Monday.

It was great to see year 11 pupils attending school for revision sessions, and I hope that the last two weeks of their time at Cottenham Village College are fulfilling ones with good performances in their GCSE examinations. I look forward to seeing them on results day in the summer.

I am writing to inform you that I have taken a very difficult decision and today submitted my resignation from the position as Headteacher at Cottenham Village College. This is planned to take effect at the end of August.

I love being headteacher of this school, and am very proud of the school. When I was appointed in March 2015 I never imagined I’d be leaving so soon. However, I will be moving to lead a Multi-Academy Trust in the region. The opportunity to run and grow my own group of schools, building on what we’ve done and what I’ve learned at CVC, was an opportunity too good and too rare not to take.

I am confident that our Governing Body, supported by Steve Ellison, now Regional Director of Education for Astrea, will appoint an excellent replacement as Headteacher of the Village College, and I know that they will keep you fully informed throughout the process.

I am committed to giving my all for you until my leaving date, and I will work with Steve and the senior leadership team, to ensure that no-one’s education is disrupted.

CVC is a really special place. It is a special place because of the pupils and staff that make up the institution. That will remain the same, and I look forward to reading and hearing about continued successes long into the future.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Lock


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