School Alerts

Letter to Year 7 parents 10.1.2025

Dear Parents/Carers of Year 7,

It has been wonderful to welcome your children back to school this week, having completed their first full term at CVC. I spoke with them in assembly this week about how quickly the time has flown from their first day with us in September and how well they have adjusted to life at secondary school.

Last term, I was fortunate in getting to speak with lots of the Year 7 cohort as I join the students most days to enjoy a chat over lunch. I know that we have a whole wealth of talents within the cohort, with students sharing with me details of all of the clubs and activities outside of school that they enjoy. It is fantastic to hear that we have many musicians join us this year; I was very pleased to see so many Year 7s be ambitious and resilient to get involved with our Christmas concert alongside the older students. I also accompanied the students to enjoy Cinderella on the last day of term in Cambridge and it was wonderful to see how kind and polite the students are, with many offering me the choice to try some of their (very tempting) snack collections!

Now that the students are fully settled in, I would like to take the opportunity to reach out to you and collect some feedback about your child’s experience to date through an online survey. The link is here:

I would appreciate as many responses as possible, to help me learn more about your satisfaction as parents. It will take around 5 minutes of your time to complete the survey.  I use parents and student data each year to inform our school improvement planning and to provide feedback to staff about the areas that we are getting right and the areas that we need to develop further. I will be asking students to complete a survey later this term to feed into this school improvement cycle.

Finally, I would like to finish this letter by saying thank you to you all for your support during the Autumn term. We have seen excellent standards of uniform, high levels of attendance to school, and very good rates of homework completion across the year group, with thanks to all that you do at home to support this. It has been a very positive start to secondary school.

Yours sincerely,

Zoe Andrews, Principal



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