17 January 2025
Dear parents/carers,
Following Mrs. Andrews’ letter to Year 11 families last week we wanted to share some more useful information with families to support your child(ren) in their preparation for their forthcoming GCSE examinations.
To support students with their preparation and time management we wanted to outline further our strategy to support students and share some useful resources with you.
Homework for Year 11 will provide some useful structured revision activity for students in these final weeks before their examinations. Please click this link to this ‘handy homework guide’ that gives a bit more detail about what to expect in terms of your child’s homework over the coming weeks.
Extracurricular support
A wide variety of subject staff are offering a range of revision sessions after school. These are targeted in terms of who needs to attend and what part of the curriculum will be covered in each session. An overview of what is on offer is here:
Overview of Period 6
We have managed to secure some funding to provide transport at 4.15pm on the nights these revision sessions run to support students who live on routes to Willingham and Waterbeach to attend. Unfortunately, this after-school transport offer only applies to Year 11 at the current time but where there are spaces on the buses, these will be offered to those who attend clubs.
Staff have volunteered to give additional time to run sessions after school. The timetable will change on a weekly basis, so this will be shared with you in the week prior to, so that you can book the sessions that your child would like to attend (and indicate transport need). https://forms.office.com/e/Y7JRbJd2MM
Support with effective revision strategies
Please find a link to ‘a guide to revision’. Tutors will share a copy of this booklet with their forms shortly. The booklet provides an overview of effective revision strategies based on the principles of cognitive science. Please do take the opportunity to encourage your child to consider using the suggested strategies when they revise
We will be using some tutorial time for supervised revision in English and maths This opportunity will be open to all and will be staffed by subject specialists where possible, so that students have revision activities embedded in their school day across the week.
Mock Timetable Spring 2025
The third resource is a copy of the finalised mock timetable. This also includes an overview of when the NEA parts of the GCSE courses will be running or where components of the GCSE that are examined before Easter are taking place.
We hope that this is helpful information for you in terms of supporting your child over these vital few final weeks of their time with us at CVC.
Yours sincerely,
Zoe Andrews, Principal