School Alerts

IT iMedia

IT – OCR  iMedia


The Level 1 and 2 certificates provides our learners with the IT skills and knowledge needed by employers. The Cambridge National in Creative iMedia course equips students with the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to work in the creative digital media sector.

iMedia is a practical and vocational course which is fully recognised by sixth forms institutions. To earn a certificate, pupils must complete two mandatory units and two optional units.  The optional units change from year to year and are dependent on teacher & class preference.

Mandatory units

  • R081: Pre-production skills, written paper, 1 hour 15 mins
  • R082: Creating digital graphics

Optional units:

  • R084: Storytelling with a comic strip
  • R085: Creating a multipage website
  • R090: Digital photography
  • R085: Creating a multipage website
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