School Alerts

Visits and Trips

Activities Week

Activities week is programme for the final full week of the school year and provides a wide range of educational visits for students in years 7 to 9. Many of the visits available are residential and provide students with an opportunity to experience something different. We believe that it is a vital part of each student’s education and would encourage them all to undertake a residential trip as part of their experience at CVC. Through experience we have found that students benefit from these activities in a number of ways. These include helping to build self esteem, confidence and independence, as well as learning to co-operate and work well in a group. Also, through the activities that they choose, students will receive hands-on learning and learn to manage risk.

All our educational visits incorporate these aspects, as well as following other interests that students may have including walking, water sports and outdoor pursuits. In previous years there has been a wide choice of activities and we hope to increase this further over the next few years. The opportunities we have offered in the past include walking in Derbyshire and the Lake District, camping and outdoor activities in Peterborough, a canal trip, outdoor pursuits in Yorkshire and residential trips in France or Germany. For those students who do not wish to go away on a residential visit, there is always the option to go on day trips. These still provide similar experiences and real environments without staying away from home.


Activities Week Day Trip Information 2024

Year 7 information to parents for the PGL Bawdsey Manor trip in July 2025


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