School Alerts

Extra – Curricular

Students have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of sports activities during lunchtime and after school. A full list of clubs is published at the beginning of each term and will be displayed around the school. There are also clubs to encourage musical talents, with opportunities to become members of the choir, string, woodwind, jazz and brass groups. The library and ICT room are in constant use by all year groups.

The college runs a programme for the final week of the school year called Activities Week which provides a range of educational visits for students in years 7 to 9.  During this week the year 10 students participate in work experience.

The college offers to opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in Year 10.

The extra-curricular timetable is available here:

CVC Spring 2025 programme

PE Fixtures 2024-25:

DATE   VENUE Time Year Group
02-Oct Cluster fixture Chesterton After school TBC
09-Oct Cluster fixture Impington After school TBC
16-Oct Cluster fixture Northstowe After school TBC
17-Oct Year 8 Rugby Tournament TBC 10am – 4pm Year 8
23-Oct Cluster fixture Swavesey After school TBC
05-Nov Year 7 Rugby Tournament TBC 12pm – 5pm Year 7
05-Dec District Cross Country Netherhall 9am – 1pm Year 7, 8, 9 , 10  & 11
13-Mar Year 11 Netball Tournament TBC 1pm – 6pm Year 11
18-Mar Year 10 Netball Tournament TBC 1pm – 6pm Year 10
25-Mar Year 9 Netball Tournament TBC 1pm – 6pm Year 9
31-Mar Year 8 Netball Tournament TBC 1pm – 6pm Year 8
30-Apr Year 7 Netball Tournament TBC 1pm – 6pm Year 7
30-Apr Year 7 Colour Run Milton Country Park 9am – 1pm Year 7
25-Jun Olympic Cup Athletics Meet Cambridge University Athletics Track 10am – 5pm Year 7, 8, 9 & 10


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