School Alerts

The Duke of Edinburgh Award

The college has a thriving Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme; Students learn and experience all four sections of the award; volunteering, physical, skills and expedition. Participants can develop existing interests or try something new.

There are three levels: Bronze for Y9 and over, Silver for Y10 and over, Gold for those over 16 years old (often undertaken as enrichment at sixth form centres).

The success of the award is based on a partnership between adults and young people. For adults, the scheme provides an opportunity to share their skills and experience with young people. This can lead to better understanding between the young and the not-so-young and strengthen co-operation within the community.

The award is an invaluable opportunity to develop interpersonal and leadership skills. It offers new challenges, adventure, a sense of achievement, new friends, a highly valued award and FUN!

If you have a student in year 9 who is interested in getting involved with the scheme this year, please follow the link below to find out more by looking at our presentation from 2024.

Find out more and apply for DofE Bronze 2024

Letter to parents – DofE information on how to enrol for Y9 Bronze DofE Bronze 2024

Launch of DofE presentation



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